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Refit Wharf 1 Repairs at Naval Submarine Base

Kings Bay, GA

Contract Value: $10,525,934
Duration: 18 Months
Project Manager(s): Matt Miller

The work  performed provided reinforced concrete repairs on piles, pile caps, bull rails and edge beams, installation of an impressed current cathodic protection system on reinforced concrete pile caps, installation of anodes and a bonding harness system on steel fender piles and camel guide piles, cleaning, coating and installation of fender wraps to steel fender piles, and cleaning and coating of steel camel guide piles.​


Mortenson Construction

Kings Bay Sub Base, EHW 1:Repair 1

The project involves concrete rehabilitation of piles and the wharf deck, and repairs to steel waterfront structures and piles. Cathodic protection grout filled jackets will be installed on 687 concrete piles to repair corrosion spalls and provide future protection from corrosion. 192 steel fender pile will be repaired with epoxy and wrapped with a petroleum tape and fiberglass wrap for corrosion resistance and strengthening of the pile. Ancillary wharf structures and mooring hardware such as ladders, bits, capstans, and fender system will be replaced or repaired as required.


DDB Repair Refit Wharf 2 Submarine Base

Kings Bay, GA

Contract Value: $8,188,374
Duration: 473 Days
Project Manager(s): Anthony Williams

This project repaired the Trident Refit Facility Wharf 2 at USNSB Kings Bay, Georgia. The work included basic concrete restoration of spalled and cracked concrete piles, pile caps, edge beams, mooring foundation and hardware; repair of catwalk, fender wraps, and bonding systems. The project replaced ladders and scarification anodes. Additionally the work includes cathodic protection to be built in to the concrete structures to maintain the integrity of the repair and prevent further corrosion. The repairs will also include minor miscellaneous electrical work for power supply. 

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