San Diego AIMS Project
San Diego, CA.
Contract Value $5,022,00
Duration: 4 Months
Project Manager(s): Matt Miller
This project involves constructing, transporting, and installing a precast concrete caisson over the existing FRP piles and positioning the caisson structure on the seafloor. The caisson shall be constructed using low magnetic permeability concrete and fiberglass reinforcing. A stone leveling base, consisting of clean washed cobbles, shall be installed prior the concrete caisson being lowered into the water. Eight concrete pipe sleeves shall be lowered over the existing piles and grouted in place using non-shrink cementitious grout. The caisson shall be filled with cobble stones followed by placement of a precast concrete cap on top concrete caisson. The concrete cap shall be secured in position by dowels and grout. Scour mats shall be installed places around the perimeter of the structure to prevent undermining. Fiberglass cable raceways shall be installed on the 3 scour mats, caisson, and pipe sleeve followed by installation of the government furnished junction box, sensors, and sensor cables. Upon completion of the caisson, pipe sleeve, scour mat, and sensor installation the Navy will conduct tests and validate the sensor array.
MSF San Diego UEMMS Upgrade PH-2
Point Loma, CA
Duration: 6 Months
Project Manager(s): Matt Miller
Work includes the upgrade to the existing Type V Underwater Magnetic Measurement System (UMMS) located in San Diego, California to a new Type VI Underwater Electro-Magnetic Measurement System (UMMS) in support of Commander, Pacific Fleet requirements.
The upgrade will require removal all of the existing Type V sensors and obtainable portions of their cables at the array. The new installation will require the routing cables between the junction box platform and the sensor array inside an excavated trench and backfilling all trenches and other excavations with non-magnetic gravel. The modification of all of the existing FRP sensor tubes, which will involve excavation, pushing farther into the sea floor, cutting and/or installation of a new tube as required, to achieve required elevations and length of tube below the channel bottom. The work also includes testing of cables and adjusting the EM sensors to magnetic north by rotating the sensor assemblies on the tubes while coordinating with government personnel.
OED Unit 2 & Unit 3
Pendleton, CA
Contract Value: $16,628,000
Project Manager(s): Brian Magee
Precon Marine has been contracted to fabricate and place the Large Organism Exclusion Devices (LOED) at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in California.
This project will require exacting measurements both sub-aquous and topside, to successfully complete. Measurements will be taken of the existing seafloor conditions, these will be examined and placement of the foundations for the structure shall begin, while the structure itself is being fabricated at an off shore facility. After these items are complete, the placement of the massive structure onto the embeded anchors of the foundations will be undertaken.
​The LOED structure will be lowered onto the foundations and anchors which were cast into the foundations and must exactly match within machine shop tolerances.